of Muddy Creek and SLIPPERY ROCK ; thence North fifthteen degrees East fifthteen miles along the
Mercer County line to a white oak tree ( a little North of Harrisville ) in the Third Donation District ;
thence due east along the Armstrong County line to the place of beginning." One of the provisions
of the Act was that the seat of justice should not be more than four miles from the center of the county.
The Act also provided that it be attached to Allegheny County for administrative and judicial purposes
until BUTLER COUNTY was duly organized.
Another Act was passed April 2, 1803, by which the county was organized for judicial purposes.
This completed the formation of 502,400 acres of woodland & BOROUGH OF BUTLER, & the county seat.
A bronze plaque in the entrance to the courthouse by the Daughters of the American Revolution
commemorates the BUTLER COUNTY in Honor of Major General Richard Butler ; Born April 1, 1743 , in
Carlisle, Pa., according to some records and in other records Born in Northern Ireland from which his
Parents came to PENNSYLVANIA.
Formation Of BUTLER COUNTY , Pennsylvania
By an Act of the Assembly of the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
approved March 12 1800, BUTLER
COUNTY was incorporated by the
severing a portion of land from
Allegheny County. The new County
as it now exists is described as
follows: " Beginning at a locust
tree on the South side of Buffalo
Creek ( Near Freeport ) : thence
along the Allegheny line due West
to Alexander's District ; thence due
North along that line and Beaver
County to a corner near the juntion
Between 1796 and 1800 , emigrants from Westmoreland,
Washington, Fayette, and the Allegheny Counties sought homes
in Armstrong, Beaver and Butler Counties, Land was cheap and
the question of titles had been satisfactory adjusted with the
Indians and the Commonwealth of Virginia. Patents were being
issued, sometimes based on "Tomahawk Rights". This name
arose from a method of giving notice by settlers blazing the
bark from trees, generally near a spring and felling others as
evidence of staking claims.
McBride - Bumpus Genealogy