McBride - Bumpus Genealogy
1825 Sesquicentennial 1975
by Jack M. MacDonald
Settler :
Gosh all hemlock ! What do I see ?
A redskin pointin' his gun at me ?
Indian :
That's right, Pale Face … Since I'm discovered
Don't move a step. I've got you covered.
Settler :
I'm travelin, ' Varmint. I'm on my way …
My hair won't hang from your belt this day.
Indian :
You may be fast but I'll have that scalp
If I have to climb the highest Alp.
Settler :
No Alps for me. I'll chance the creek.
Hurrah ! You missed. What a narrow squeak.
Indian :
There's no use hopping from stone to stone
My tomahawk cleaves the toughest bone.
Settler :
This Eliza act is durned realistic.
Pardon me, Varmint. That's anachchronistic.
Indian :
That two dollar word … it may be your last
I've got you White Man. Your future's just past.
Ha, Ha … you fell. With all your talk.
You didn't see that Slippery rock !
The God of Waters is mad at me
Fatherless orphans will fill my teepee.
Settler :
Oh, no, Redskin. I'm not much fer killin'
You'll let live to see your wife & your chilllen.
Indian :
But why, White man ? I'd have killed you.
The same fate is right for me, too.
Settler :
Listen, Varmint, for many a week
I hunted a name for this blamed creek
something suitable, a name that sticks
And until you fell I was in a fix
But right here and now, without much talk
We've named this creek … The Slippery Rock
If a town grows up, that's its name to
If folks think it's funny -- what can they do ?
We'll be a legend, and we'll be to blame
But they'll have to stickto this funny name.
When I saw you skid for half a block
I knew right then 'twould be - "Slippery Rock."