McBride - Bumpus Genealogy
(pl. mogi), skave. The teutonic words also originallycome from a root denoting " might
increase : , Greek@Gmc@nhos, means, Sanskrit mahas, great Hence macanta, mild : " filial ".
MAC BRIDE -- MacBride comes from the Irish Mac Giolla Bhride ' son of follower of
( St ) Bridget ; St Bridget was a famous abbess of Kildare, who died in 523. Also derived
from the same Irish original are the surnames Kilbride, Gilbride, Macllvreed. NacGilbride
and others. The Principal Irish Family name was based in the north of County Dobegal in
Raymunterdoney, where they were very prominent in the church, a number of the family
becoming bishops. A branch migrated in Co. Down in early times, where the surname
remains quite numerous. In Ulster also, the namr may have a Scottish origin, from the
Scottish origin, from the decendants of Gillebride, progenitor of one branch of the Clan
Donald. The best known contempory bearer of the surname was Sean McBride (1904 -
1988), active on the Repulican side in the War of Independence and after, Minister for
External Affairs from 1948 - 1951, founder - member of the Amnesty International, winner
of the Nobel Peace Prize in 1974, the Lenin Peace Prize in 1977 and the American Medal
for Justice in 1978.
Dictionaries of Surnames indicate probable spelling variations of McBride to be -
Mac Bride , St. Bridget , McBrides , Mac Brides , Mc Bryde , Bride , Brides , Bridget ,
Bridgets , Bryget , Briget , Bryde and Brydes. Family Tree tales and stories passed
down through the years and generations certainly have affirmation that our Family
Surname ' McBride ' had at one time been ' Mac Bride '. The date and place that this
surname change in spelling is unknown. Still they are proud Irish Surnames to bear
and have ben for centuries and the ages to come.
mac -- a son, Irish mac, Old Irish macc, Welsh mab,
Old Welsh map, Cornish mab,Brenton map, mab, Ogam
grn. Maqvi: *makko-s, root mak, rear, nutrice, Welsh
magu, rear, nurse, Brenton maguet: Indo-European mak,
ability, production; Greek @ Gmakr'os, long, @ Gm'akar.
blessed; Zend macanh, greatness; Lettic ma'zu, can, be
able. Kluge compares Gothic magaths, maid, Anglo -
Saxon magb, English maid, further Gothic magus, boy
Norse mo'gr, which however, is allied to Old Irish mug
Surname ' Mac Bride '